The Five Q's with Coleman!

Coleman chooses his favorite lens and dives into the history of fieldstone walls in his five answers.
Image: A photo of Coleman looking at the screen of a DSLR camera on a tripod.
If there was a movie about your life, who would play you?
For the childhood flashbacks, Robert Capron, widely known for his role as Rowley in Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Not present day Rob, but we looked very alike 15 years ago. Current day, Ryan Gosling. Admittedly, I can’t confidently compare myself to the guy, but this is my fantasy after all.
What is your favorite piece of Media Factory technology, and why?
Zeiss 85mm 1.4f for its awesome bokeh and vintage look; editing suites for their no-nonsense render times.
What is the funniest thing that has happened to you recently?
Double eject on Riemergasse at Sugarbush trying to show off for the chairlift.
Tell us something we might not know (a fact or piece of trivia that you know for no apparent reason).
New England has a whole lot of fieldstone walls, which are those long rock walls that look like a pile of boulders in a straight line. They were primarily built in the 1800s and were used to distinguish property lines. There are so many in the area that if you were able to get every rock from every wall and put them into one big pile, it would be 6 times larger than the Great Pyramid of Giza!
If you had to put your life bio into one run-on sentence, what would you say?
Kindness and compassion are something I’m not lacking and intuitive creativity is my passion but inevitably hard work leads to traction especially if you listen to your peers and compliment their fashion.